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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Life with Liv: It's OK To Be Sad Sometimes

When you lose a close relative or someone who is close to you, you feel really sad. I’ll give you some tips about how to get over sadness. But first, I want to tell you about who I lost. 

I lost my grandfather. He was a very funny guy and I get my creativity from him. I also get my love of books, music, and storytelling. 

Now I will give some tips about how to deal with sadness. I need to tell you its okay to feel sad. If you are so sad, sometimes kids want to skip going to school. That’s okay if you need a day off to feel sad. 

Try to keep your mind off sadness for awhile. If you can't, try reading or watching TV. That’s good too. Also try talking to your family or friends about your sadness. You could also talk to a favorite pet or toy too.

I’m hope these will help you with your sadness, whatever you are sad about. 

Have an great day and keep smiling!

Liv- Age 9 :)

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