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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Heading to CE Week with Techlicious Moms!

New York, New York... it's a heckuva town for monkeys who like big shiny things.

Next Thursday, My Shiny Monkey is crossing state lines... we accepted a gracious invite from Techlicious via Boston Parent Bloggers to attend Techlicious Moms, a conference that's part of CE Week targeting "influential mom bloggers" (that's ME?! Whee!). Along with my BPB peers, we'll be participating in technology workshops, learning tips on how to get the most out of technology and save time, discovering new tools, and keeping up with the latest trends... great fodder for posts to come.  We'll also get a tour of the gigantic show floor at CE Week, one of the nation's largest  mid-year Consumer Electronics shows, and can blog from the dedicated mom blogger lounge. Sweet Nintendo 3DS!

Pew! Pew! Monkeys like gaming.
I'm most excited at meeting the smart women behind Techlicious, a consumer tech site geared toward women, and getting inspired by the speakers. Did you know women purchase 45% of consumer electronics... and that doesn't mean our laptops simply need to be colored PINK on the outside. I hate pink.  Maybe I'll meet Suzanne Kantra, founder of Techlicious. I used to read her articles on consumer tech via Martha Stewart and Popular Science, and she's a great radio personality too.

Participating bloggers include Amy Oztan (, Nancy Friedman ( and Rebecca Levey (, and Boston Parent Bloggers attending from Beantown will be Cindy Meltzer (@cindymeltz) of Isis Parenting, Robin Chiacchieri Ruehrwein, better known as @MassholeMommy, and myself (@myshinymonkey). I'm guessing we'll have a hashtag, probably #bpbtech or something like that. 

Got a question? Check out my tweets next Thursday and msg me if you have any specific consumer tech questions you want me to track down. Wish me luck!

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