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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Our blogiversary and blogging conferences ahead!

Well, we've gone and done it... we've registered for two BIG bloggers' conferences to learn more about how to make even bigger and shinier. In March, we will be attending Blog Better Boston, and in August, the monsterous BlogHer '12. Since our "day job" is PR, we aren't as much interested in free swag (though will pass all swag through as giveaways, like we normally do!) but we are interested in improving our blogging skills.

So... subscribers... would you do me a favor and comment or email your thoughts on how the blog can improve? I'd love your honest input, especially as we just passed our one-year blogiversary and have over 30,000 views and nearly 1000 followers on Twitter. Not bad for a busy year that included getting active in Boston Parent Bloggers Network and attending a handful of events last year and attending a handful of really fun local brand events.

Oh, and we can't forget our big trip to NYC for 77 Kids' Style School. That was so much fun for both Olivia and for me!
We are very grateful to all the amazing friends we've met this year, including but not limited to Jodi Grundig, Christy Matte, Charlene Deloach Oliver, Robin Ruehrwein, Melanie Feehan, Kate Hayes, and SO many more I'm too tired to name, but love dearly.

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