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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Mikayla has a secret: MCAS can be fun!

I have a secret. I think MCAS tests are kind of fun.  Maybe it’s because we don’t get any homework the week of MCAS tests.  Maybe it’s because we do a lot of work to get ready for them.  This year in 7th grade I had a new writing test and I had to write about something I was proud of.  That was an interesting question and I wrote about how proud I was that I improved my grade in science this quarter.

How do I get ready for MCAS?  I get a good night’s sleep and I eat a good breakfast with protein.  My teacher Mr. Miller suggests we eat eggs for breakfast.
When I’m taking the tests, I always take my time and I double check my answers.  Taking MCAS tests used to make me nervous but now I’m used to it.

I think having all the students in school take MCAS tests is good because then you know that your teachers are teaching you the right things.  I think I’ll be better prepared for college because I took these tests.  My mom doesn’t agree. She worries that MCAS tests don’t take into account different learning styles and she thinks my teachers spend too much time teaching to the test.  Maybe this is because she is a teacher.  Still I can’t wait for May to take my math tests!

-- By Mikayla, age 13

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