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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Guest Blogger Mikayla: Take A Chance On Camp

This summer, don't stay home and watch TV - go to camp.

Usually I go to a day camp for the whole summer, but it was getting boring doing the same camp all summer as I got older so I decided to make a change. This summer, I'm going to three different camps. I'm starting with Adventure Camp at Nichols Day Camp in Maine for a couple of weeks, then three weeks of swimming and sports camp at Mount Ida Day Camp, and finishing with Leaders in Training camp at the Y for August.

I'm halfway through the first camp now at Adventure Camp. The camp is near my grandparents' house in Maine and I thought I might meet some kids I could hang out with. My mom thought it would be good for me to have a Maine camp experience in the woods. 

We went up to visit the camp and meet the camp director ahead of time so I could decide if I wanted to go. I said yes when I saw the beautiful lake and sailboats, but the week before it started, it was scary because I didn't know anyone who was going to be there. I dealt with my fear by meeting new people right away and making conversation. There was another girl who didn't know anyone there either. So we made friends quickly, and then it was fun. I'm going to the 4th of July parade with her and she wants me to come to camp next summer. I'm having so much fun I wish I could stay an extra week. Some of the new things I learned at camp are how to build a shelter, cook food over our fire and next week we learn to sail. One day we kayaked all the way around the lake and my arms still hurt.

The best things about camp are swimming and meeting new people. All of my camps have swimming and I hope I will get better at swimming by the end of the summer. The new people are great - my counselor is from Australia and there are only six kids in our group so I have six new friends. Kids in my group are from Maine, Massachusetts and Ohio.

Each camp has something I am excited about. At Adventure camp I'm learning something new like making a fire and sailing. At Mount Ida, I get to be with all my friends and counselors I've known for 4 years and really work on my swimming. I'm going to Leaders in Training with one of my best friends. Most of all I'm excited I can learn how to be a leader so people can look up to me and my friend. I hope we can be good role models to little kids and that they know that they can trust us and that we can help them.

Gotta go - I'm having a really busy summer!

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