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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Honoring our nation's "away team" - the U.S. Navy

Our July 4th holiday means more than fireworks and barbecues, right? Our two monkeys spent some time learning more about our nation's military and getting a deeper appreciation through a tour of the  huge and shiny ships in port in Boston this week for Navy Week.  It's never too early to learn more about the brave men and women who serve as our nation's "away team" and help keep us safe, and defend freedom abroad... the very reason we celebrate July 4th in the first place.

From the official press release:
"Boston Navy Week is one of many signature events around the country 
commemorating the Bicentennial of the War of 1812 and the Star-Spangled Banner. The 
commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 is a salute to all Sailors and 
Marines who fought gallantly in that conflict, who served in all our nation's conflicts since 
then, and who continue defending freedom around the world today. Since winning our independence in 1776, the United States has been a maritime nation, relying on unobstructed access and free use of the world's oceans, which are essential to our national security and prosperity. The performance of America's Sailors and Marines in the War of 1812 set the standards upon which our naval forces continue to build today.

For more information, visit the official Boston Navy Week Web site at or search "Boston Navy Week" on Facebook."

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