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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Cure for Bieber Fever

Check out this Bieber parody video - better for older tweens and parents who can easily say never to "Never Say Never".  Thanks to "Key of Awesome" for the video, and making this mom laugh this morning!

Did your tween (or you) catch Bieber Fever? Does this school vacation week make your kids catch cabin fever instead? I've got some shiny new ideas for you and your tweens that might help cure the fever.  (More cowbell...)

1. Dress up like your favorite pop star and spend the day listening to his/her music and creating your own concert tour.  Costumes, back up singers, staging, choreography - all good for a few days of fun away from the computers, TVs and video games.  Have your tween invite friends to the performance and serve post-concert pizza themed to the event (Bieber Banana Smoothies?)

2. Lego Day featuring your own theme.  My kids love anything to do with Legos - Star Wars Clone Wars for him, "freebuilding" for her - and making a trip to the Lego store for some new additions to the collections, creating a Lego workshop (space) and then helping them create their own world using their own imagination is true gift.  New to Legos? They'll catch the fever at the Lego store or shopping online. Tip: before your kid catches the Lego fever, join the VIP club for tons of exclusive specials and discounts, plus a discount to Lego Land in California - a great place to visit NEXT school vacation.

3. Walk, walk, fashion baby - got girls who love Bieber's look? Create an "OMG Fashion Show" with a few friends simply by being outrageous and mixing/matching some funny colors/patterns into bold new looks - or simply swapping clothes with friends for the day.  Michael's sells fun hats and boas for less than $10 - add sunglasses and a few red towels for a red carpet, add in flashlight spots and some cool music, and you've got fun for very little money.

4. Create your own pop star. If your tween plays an instrument or sings, when was the last time you put everything aside to create your own funny song?  Forget "baby, baby, baby OH!" - you can do better.  How about singing about your cat or dog? Your favorite food? Your favorite vacation spot? Just let the creative juices flow without an agenda... and keep that videocamera handy to capture the memories.

What's your favorite way to tame cabin fever - or Bieber fever?  Aspirin not included.

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