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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Nom Nom Wednesday Review: Bursting the bubble on soft drinks, but bananas about Soda Stream

First of all, shiny monkeys like new things and things that go fizz, but we also like to make healthy choices whenever we can.  A long time ago when the earth was (less) green, we chose to try and steer our kids away from soda - there's really no redeeming value to soda, and it is not really hydrating, healthy, or (IMHO) refreshing on a hot day compared to water, natural fruit juices, or a cold glass of low-fat milk. (BTW parents: June is National Dairy Month!)

Why I don't like soda:

1. It stains your teeth.  Did you know saliva washes away the acid in the soda, so wait a half-hour after you drink soda to brush your teeth?
2. Diet sodas have FDA-approved artificial sweeteners, and could possibly have an association with cancer. Not proven, but the risk isn't worth it.
3. I don't really like the sound of phosphoric acid, potassium benzonate, or phenylalanine.
4. It replaces other healthier hydration options, like water (my top choice), natural fruit juices, and milk.  We love our dairy, and replacing each milk (even chocolate milk) with soda takes away one serving of fruit or dairy.

Three bananas to: Soda Stream

A good alternative and three bananas to: Soda Stream (@sodastreamusa on Twitter), a kitchen gadget that transforms tap water into a flavored fizzy soda.  We bought one for Shiny Monkey Dad for Christmas - he's a HUGE soda drinker. Not only is it a more natural alternative to fizzy drinks, but it's healthier (no artificial sweeteners/preservatives), much more economical, environmentally conscious, (no more 2 liter bottles!) and you can choose from dozens of cool natural flavors - or add your own flavor using fresh squeezed fruit juices to the tap water, then carbonate. 

For more details, check out a great review of Soda Stream on the wonderful mom blog Quick Tattletails; she includes a product demo video and a great list of features and benefits here.   Soda Stream employees also contribute to their own blog called Ms. Fizz - really cute and informative. 

Now Monkey Dad still buys Diet Coke every once in a while, but it's a cool gadget, a healthier alternative, and our guests love it too.

Note: My Shiny Monkey was not compensated in any way for this review; all opinions are our own.

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