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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Bobbi Kristina's Next Chapter - What Will It Be?

With last week's passing of the iconic entertainer Whitney Houston, much attention has been paid to not only her tragic passing facilitated by drugs and a rock-and-roll lifetyle, but also the effect her lifestyle choices has had on her only daughter, 18-year-old Bobbi Kristina.  [Breaking news: the family fears Bobbi may now be suicidal and was taken to the hospital this weekend for observation. Bobby Brown is now in LA with his daughter.]

Our heart is with Bobbi.  She's a teenager. A singer. A party girl, and a devoted daughter with a deep spirit, like her late mother. And most of all, she's a fighter - she has to be, growing up the only daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown.  

Whitney once said of Bobbi, "She inspires me. When I look at her eyes, I see myself and go, 'Okay, I can do this.'"  What mother couldn't relate to that sentiment when times are tough?

Last fall, Bobbi Kristina posted vids of herself on YouTube singing, showing her pipes are just as good as her mom and dad. Here's a fan video by @quencie, really nicely done.

This young princess in a family of musical kings and queens (Dionne Warwick is her cousin) has seen nothing but addiction, turmoil, marital strife (remember "Being Bobby Brown?") and even her own attacks when an ex-boyfriend staged an alleged photo of her snorting cocaine. (Don't believe a photo on the interwebs until you can prove it, people.)

What does a princess do now that she is faced with some adult choices without reliable parental figures to guide her? This is her moment. Her moment to grieve, heal and move into the next chapter of her heroic novel.  She has the financial means, the amazing voice, the supporters and resources to be who SHE wants to be... making healthy and mature choices.  Like so many children of entertainment stars, only she can make the right choice for her.  What do YOU think Bobbi Kristina should do next? Comment below.

Seeking alternative selves - finding alternate paths. Life is all about choices.  For inspiration, read this column by Robert Pagliarini in the Chicago Tribune

Bobbi Kristina, we hope shiny new opportunities present themselves to you after you've given yourself time to heal and grieve. Watching her 1994 performance (below) at the Grammys was truly a spiritual moment for many... no one could perform like Whitney Houston.

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