Even though monkeys all look the same to us with a quick visit to the zoo, like humans, each one is unique. Some are more aggressive, some laid back. Some are big and athletic, others more bookish and cerebral. (Did you know that monkeys bully each other too?)
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein. (Thanks for that quote, STOMP OUT!)
Now that school is back in session, we need your help to STOMP Out Bullying™ - and here's what you can do by being tolerant, kind and respectful and standing up for each other.
First, some shiny golden rules about bullying - so many more on STOMP Out Bullying's website:
1. Golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. We are all people and deserve kindness. I tell my kids that if you find yourself ever choosing "what's the right thing to do" in a situation - you choose your behavior: choose kindness.
2. No one deserves to be bullied. Ever. No matter what.
3. There is strength in numbers: find caring kids and stick with them because that group will always outnumber bullies.
4. Don't be a bystander - the witness who does and says nothing because of fear. That sends a clear message to the bully that the behavior going on is acceptable. It is NOT. And what message does your silence send to the bullying victim?
If you see bullying happening, whether you know the victim or not, please read these tips from STOMP Out Bullying - be an upstander, not a bystander:
- Never laugh or encourage the bully
- Stay at a safe distance and help the target get away
- Don’t become or help create an "audience" for the bully
- Reach out in friendship
- Support the victim in private
- Include the victim in activities
- IMPORTANT: Tell an adult you trust - if not a teacher, then another classroom teacher, gym teacher, parent!
Unite, be empowered and speak out against bullying and cyberbullying! Mark your calendar for October 3rd and get your blue shirt shined up... we'll be asking for your photos on our Facebook page for prizes!
1 comment:
fantastic collection... this all color combination is looking outstanding...
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