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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Blizzards are snow much fun

Tweens are pretty inventive and love a good adventure.  That's what made Harry Potter so popular. And in a blizzard, things can get a little hinky.

Here's our monkey tongue-in-cheek list of ten things you can do in a blizzard, with and without power.

10. Clean your room. HA HA! We said, "Clean your room." That's rich.
9. If #10 isn't happening, go sledding. You don't need any batteries or power for sledding.
8. Same with snowball fights - do NOT wrap things like rocks in snow.
7. Color tap water with food coloring and put in spray bottles. Pretend you are a French snow ar-teeste.
6. Bake cookies, brownies, or a cake. Or a pie. We love pie.
5. Try to sculpt anything in the snow more artful than this:
4. Power's out! Play flashlight tag in your basement. Make sure you remember where those big poles are.
3. Light candles and have a seance. Summon the spirit of a pirate. Make him tell you where the treasure is buried. Take notes, and sell them on etsy.
2. Look outside at the street. Breathe heavily on the windows. Write notes to the plowguy backwards so he can read it, like "GO PLOWS!" or "PLOWS ARE #1".
1. Pretend you are Katniss at night, and recreate the Hunger Games with neighborhood friends. We think this would be a great board game. If you can think of a better board game, let us know in the comments below.

photo credit: <a href="">Ontario Wanderer</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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