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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Uncommon gifts and a giveway with Uncommon Goods

Well, it's birthday, prom and graduation season, and it's no secret that teens and tweens are the toughest kids to shop for. We usually end up with money or giftcards, but your heart really isn't into handing that envelope over... right?

For teens, nothing seems to be cool enough, unique enough... until we found this website with great gifts for older kids here called Uncommon Goods. Every single thing on that site is something that we honestly (and we shop a lot) have never seen before. 

It's so cool, in fact, that they agreed to give us a $25 gift card to get you started on your shopping!  Just check out the site, and comment below what your favorite item is! We got you started on a few faves of ours - no fair using these in the contest. 

Founded in August 1999, NYC-based UncommonGoods offers creatively designed, high-quality merchandise at affordable prices. Their goal is to make "uncommon goods" accessible to everyone. In addition, they also do well by doing good - they donate a portion of each order to your choice of non-profit organizations: American Forests, AmeriCares, City Harvest, and the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Pretty cool, eh?

This Makey Makey is a great way to stay connected with friends.
Blockheads will love these periodic table of elements blocks.
Gorgeous paperweight for the new graduate - or anyone who needs inspiration.
A great graduation gift. Perfect for those stiff interviewees.

Birth month flower necklaces - so unique!

Visit UncommonGoods to find the perfect gift for teens and tweens, no matter what jungle you call home. 

Disclaimer: I was given an Uncommon Goods $25 giftcard to giveaway in exchange for this review, but my opinions and "faves" are my own.


meredith m said...

I like the stackable lunch pot!

Dollops of Diane said...

I like the animal necklaces. Happy Birthday to your "little" girl!

Unknown said...

I love this site! My daughter would love the Ms. Food Plate. Happy birthday to Liv!

Amanda W. said...

Love uncommon goods! Tell olivia happy birthday from me too!

Unknown said...

Love the necklaces!

Sarah said...

Love the illuminaire Sun stake

Sarah said...

I Love the website... I shall share... a lot of really cool things.. Thanks !

Unknown said...
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