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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Muppet Mania: review of The Muppets

Life's like a movie, write your own ending...

Well, we did it. We went as a family to go see the Muppets on the big screen, which I haven't done since... well, the Muppet Christmas Carol, or Treasure Island. We've seen them all and have them all on DVD... so you can imagine our anticipation after all the hype.

Other than countless hours with my Sesame Street muppet friends, my last really great experience with Kermit, Miss Piggy and crew was in 1979 as a tween myself (11) to see the original Muppet Movie. The funky music of Electric Mayhem! The really bad wordplay! The celebrity cameos (Steve Martin)! The clever camera angles (remember seeing Kermit on a bike and Fozzie driving a car for the first time?)! It was all so... magical, and I was old enough to understand the plot, appreciate the puns, thrill at the top stars fleeting but funny appearances.

That said, the Muppets' newest full-length feature starring Jason Segal and Amy Adams didn't quite live up to my expectations, but was thoroughly enjoyable and worth seeing. I can't say my two tweens were as enamored with the movie as I hoped, but they laughed and gasped and guffawed (fart shoes!) at all the right places.

-- A great fan film... almost an homage to "the old gang" and you see many, many characters in this film
-- Musicality is great - very personable and spunky.
-- Fun music, positive and upbeat and catchy ("Am I a man? Or a Muppet? Or a Muppet of a man?)
-- Splashy production (much higher quality than older movies)
-- Same great cameos and same cheese factor that you know and love about the Muppets
-- Amy Adams and Jason Segal are adorable, let's face it.
-- I just felt the cheesy factor was dialed up a bit too high. I miss Jim Henson's subtle, almost zen-like humor. Didn't like the writing as much as any of the other movies - really, really over the top.
-- The pace was faster, the villians more obvious and uninteresting (sorry Chris Cooper).
-- The jokes weren't laugh out loud funny... and it kills me to say that. Just not surprising or clever.

See the movie and decide for yourself... you won't regret it. Fart shoes not included. Comment below and tell me what you thought of the movie, too... am I off base?

Two monkey thumbs up despite the "cons" for this 2011 holiday must-see.

Bonus banana for true Hensons fans:
Muppet/Sesame fans: check out this indywire exclusive trailer for "Being Elmo" - a documentary about puppeteer Kevin Clash and his rise through the ranks... it is a great reminder that everyone should chase their dream, especially if it is packaged in a cute red furry suit.


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