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What do you want? Inspiration from Mel Robbins

Ever feel stuck in a rut? Not achieving what YOU want? This week, I had the good fortune to join nearly 200 moms at the Manic Mommies Escape in New Orleans... a chance for this amazing podcasters' fans to come together (all moms) and laugh, learn, lounge and love what makes us uniquely... well... moms.  Amidst the "Mom 101" workshops, one speaker really stood out for me and made me really think about "What I Want" and what ignites my spark.

One of the conference's key speakers was author and relationship expert (and media darling and former NY defense attorney) Mel Robbins. For Boston area readers, you've heard her on Talk FM and about 40 other stations, and you've seen her on local media as she's a Boston gal now. She's also mother of three. If you haven't read her book "Stop Saying You're Fine," you don't know what you are missing... but I'll try to fill you in on a few things I learned.

Mel is a no-baloney speaker, encouraging listeners to "get out of your own way, build momentum, and get what you want."  No excuses, no overanalyzing... what makes YOU feel good? (And don't say "make a difference" - Mel explains that we really do good to feel good... think about what really lies beneath to motivate you to get started). Have the courage to admit what you want, and don't let your brain get the best of you when it comes to that game-changing idea.

One learning: change is not linear. I always wanted to write and thought, "Well, first you write a blog. Then you get discovered. Then you write a book." Not necessarily... Mel suggested to me that I become an expert first by speaking at brown bag lunches, refine my content, and then write a blog or a book based on my expertise.  What do you think about that?

Other learnings on how to overcome obstacles to change:

-- Golden rule: don't wait until you "feel like it" because you are NEVER going to feel like it. Fact. Motivation is never going to appear - you have to force yourself to get started and do what you do not normally do.
-- Feel overwhelmed? Brain dump everything into a notebook to make room in your head to really think clearly - and then highlight and DO the top three things that day. 
-- Feel tired? Unless you have a newborn or a sleeping disorder, you are not tired. You just need to get superfocused - rise above and make one thing happen that day.  
-- Feel uncertain? Just pick something to do... find what is meaningful to fill you back up. The momentum will keep you moving forward. 
-- Feel alone? Make eye contact with three people on the street - receive a smile and a jolt of positive energy. Pretty amazing.
-- Be selfish when it comes to figuring out what you really want. Make your choice specific, embarrassing, and selfish. Mel has a photo of Rush Limbaugh on her desk as a symbol of what type of success she's looking for... even if she doesn't agree with his politics at all.

Most of all, have the courage to admit what you want - and get out of your own way.

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