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Thanks for swinging in! Writing with a bunch of smart young people, we blog about the monkey business of life with tweens 8-15, and love anything shiny and new. Book/movie/game reviews, shopping, nom nom snacks, OMG news and issues, pop stars, and YouTube LOLs are fair game in this jungle.


Freebie Friday with Balance Bars: keep summer in balance with healthy snacks

Summer is supposed to be hazy and lazy... but in our jungle, we like to have fun and keep busy. Busy kids mean hot camp days, bike rides, ziplining and mountain climbing.

What fuels our fun?

Healthy snacks. We love our sweets, but we try to choose healthier "rocket power" whenever possible.

Our faves? Fresh strawberries, plump blueberries, low fat fro-yo, juicy watermelon are all fabulous, but a little tough to eat on the go, and don't provide all the protein and vitamins needed to Segway...

Climb a mountain... 
And zip through the trees, and down, and up again!

Many thanks to our good friends Balance Bar, who fuel our summer with these delicious and nutritious energy bars. We prefer this S'mores flavor because we pretend they are candy bars - there are three layers of graham cracker-flavored protein mix, a layer of marshmallow flavor, and a really thick [but not too sweet] layer of chocolate. The better news: each bar is packed with 14g of protein, 23 vitamins and minerals and are excellent sources of antioxidants (vitamins C, E and A). And only 200 calories (30% of those cals. are protein, 40% carbs, 30% fat/0 g trans fat)... a good option for a no muss, no fuss treat when full meals/snack prep isn't an option.

"MMM! These Balance bars are scrumptious! I like the s'mores flavor because it reminds me of s'mores at camp - it is all the right ingredients and it mixes all the flavors in a perfect way." -- Liv

Juggling camp, sports, piano, time with family/friends and community service alongside full-time jobs isn't easy, but we are lucky to have a few Balance Bars in my bag at all times to stave off the hungries and fuel our fun better than sugary snacks. 
Delicious Balance Bar - S'mores flavor

Freebie Friday Giveaway Time! Just share a tip in the comments below for balancing summer fun and healthy snacking, and we'll select one to win a pack of FIVE free bars with "buy 2, get one free" vouchers for your next Balance Bar purchase.


Capability :mom said...

I always like to have snacks on hand - small packs of almonds from Trader Joe's, dried fruit, and, of course, Balance Bars. I seem to be on a s'mores run - Will try that flavor next time.

Capability :mom said...

I always like to have snacks on hand - small packs of almonds from Trader Joe's, dried fruit, and, of course, Balance Bars. I seem to be on a s'mores run - Will try that flavor next time.

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