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Harassment defined, finding state-specific bullying laws

What is harassment, exactly?  The smart folks at Pacer University's National Bullying Prevention Center are here to help:

Defining “Harassment” Including Harassment based on Disability

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have stated that bullying may also be considered harassment when it is based on a student’s race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion.

Harassing behaviors may include:
  • Unwelcome conduct such as: Verbal abuse, such as name-calling, epithets, slurs
  • Graphic or written statements
  • Threats
  • Physical assault
  • Other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating
Students have protection under federal and state laws - and hopefully, school codes of conduct. Unfortunately, these laws vary considerably based on the organization creating the laws. Click here for an interactive map with information specific to your state on bullying and harrassment laws, thanks to StopBullying.Gov.

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